Monday, August 07, 2006

Wesleyan Church, with headquarters in Indy, emphasizes relationship with Jesus Christ

Question: It is obvious by its name that the Wesleyan Church has ties to John Wesley. But tell us who he was and how his influence is felt in your church today.

Answer: The Wesleyan Church chose to be named for John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, because of his emphasis on a life of faith, self-discipline and commitment to perfect love. John Wesley spawned a spiritual revival across England and, eventually, the United States that taught that the Christian life should be exemplified in everything we do. Every part of our daily lives should be an expression of the relationship we have with Jesus Christ.

Q: The Wesleyan Church has some historic ties to Methodists. What are those ties, and how are you similar or different from Methodists today?

A: The Wesleyan Church finds its roots in the Methodist movement. When the nation was divided over slavery, the church faced the same division. Some felt it should not be a "church" issue. The Wesleyans believed that the church should take a stand against slavery. It separated from Methodism in 1843 because Methodism had chosen not to take an official position on slavery. Although separate, there is a spirit of cooperation on issues of faith and ministry to our communities.
